Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • Metaware Technologies, 31,250 euros for the development of Coccinelle. Metaware offers software renovation services. It is using Coccinelle to modernize a large legacy C application for a client.

  • Orange Lab, 90,000 euros for 3 PhD Students (CIFRE), Ralucca Diaconu, Guthemberg Da Silva Silvestre, and Koutheir Attouchi

  • Renault, 60,000 over 3 years (2013 - 2016) for a CIFRE. In the context of a Cifre cooperation with Renault, we are supervising the PhD of Antoine Blin on the topic of scheduling processes on a multicore machine for the automotive industry. The goal is to allow real-time and multimedia applications to cohabit on a single processor. The challenge here is to control resource consumption of non real-time processes so as to preserve the real-time behavior of critical ones. As part of this cooperation, we will use the Bossa DSL framework for implementing process schedulers that we have previously developed.